[pdf-embedder url=”http://standardhighschoolzana.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/History-prototype-1.pdf” title=”History prototype”]
[pdf-embedder url=”http://standardhighschoolzana.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/History-prototype-1.pdf” title=”History prototype”]
History notes S.1 has failed to download I have been trying over like 4days. I don’t know if it’s only with me
Are student for S.1 suppose to copy all the notes sent to them because am seeing it’s the whole textbook or they have specific chapters to complete
They are meant to read and do all Activities upto chapter 5 only in all books
May I have s.1 notes please it’s Yiga precious mercy
Which notes now because they are all there
Your Comment Here…Thanx 4 ur help
Stupid question