S.5& S.6 Biology-A-level NCDC

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Kyebambe Ronald

    I like that though I have failed to access s5 chemistry notes

  2. Tumuranzye Allan.

    Your Comment Here… Hope ur fine , but for me iam not because S.5 Foods and Nutrition notes are not available. Can you please help us we FN offerers.

  3. Tusabe

    Thanks for the notes we really appreciate

  4. Tusabe

    I am in s.6 en doing BCM so need notes in chemistry and biology

    1. Muzamiru Natumanya

      Notes are there on website

  5. Mungujakisa salimin

    It’s well and I appreciate the fact day mr.m.e u are my teacher Am mungujakisa salimin live from Nairobi

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